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Business collaboration gets standard treatment

        A draft standard for collaborating effectively in business is undergoing a second round of votes, taking it another step closer to publication.
        Collaborative working and business partnerships can bring unlimited benefits for everyone involved - if they are managed effectively. Providing access to new services, improving opportunities for contracts and combining resources are just some of the ways that organizations can win from working together.
        An international standard currently being developed, ISO 11000 Collaborative business relationship management -- Framework, aims to provide a common platform and approach on which organizations can develop more robust business relationships and improve the performance of their joint activities.
        It has now reached Committee Draft (CD) 2 stage, meaning those ISO members involved in its development have three months to form a national position on the draft and comment.
        Based on the existing British Standard BS 11000-1, ISO 11000 will be useful to senior executives and supply chain directors across most sectors of industry, helping organizations to align objectives, cultures and behaviours, which is particularly useful in international business partnerships.
        ISO 11000 is expected to be published in December 2016.

  • ? 2014.北京龙8集团 版权所有.Copyright United Intelligence Ltd
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