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How to boost company confidence in the new ISO focus issue

by Elizabeth Gasiorowski Denis on 11 November 2014
        Protecting a company's reputation is the most important and difficult task facing senior management teams and boards of directors today. The reason? Its good name is a major source of competitive advantage.
        In the latest ISO focus magazine (November/December 2014), you'll learn about how it only takes one slip to cause irreparable damage to a company’s image. It also showcases how ISO standards for anti-bribery and online reputation have the potential to generate greater leverage and boost company confidence.
The study indicates that 81 % of companies see their brand identity as their most significant asset but are challenged in knowing how to protect it.
        Anti-bribery and online reputation are two new subjects that are now taking actual, practical shape in ISO. The future ISO 37001 standard will take account of internationally recognized good anti-bribery practice. It will apply to all organizations, regardless of type, size and nature of activity, and whether in the public, private or voluntary not-for-profit sectors.
        Equally anticipated, a standard on online reputation is in the pipeline (stewarded by new technical committee ISO/TC 290) to help companies manage the pitfalls of online mud slinging, be it from other businesses, serial complainers, ex-employees, or quite simply dissatisfied customers. If you can’t beat them, join them as many companies learn to use customer feedback, both positive and negative, to their advantage.

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